Though bikini season may seem like a million months away, it's always nice to try and better your health and body. Exercising doesn't have to be all about the gym, and if you have a smartphone, or computer, and access to the internet you can make your own gym at home. Below are some apps and videos that help my get off the couch and break a sweat.
The Jillian Michaels Show podcast
Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser is a no BS kind of gal, and her podcast is simply that. She is always in the know of new exercises, will debunk any diet fads, and is all about showing the ways to maximize your workout and life. Whenever I'm feeling extra lazy I listen to her podcast, and it's the push I need to put on my workout clothes and tie my sneakers, which is already half the battle.
Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30
I've pretty much tried all of Jillian Michaels' DVDs because she knows how to pack a satisfying workout in under thirty five minutes, and that is easy to squeeze into my day. Half an hour later I am breathless, sweaty, and sore. Ripped in 30 is the latest one I'm trying out, and it is not an easy dvd, but feels great to accomplish.
Cassey Ho is a certified fitness instructor with an amazing YouTube channel. She has over 200 work out videos, which range from fat burning workouts to cardio dance parties, so you can't get bored. And if you sign up on her site (it's free) she will send you the password to see her workout calendar, which changes every month.
5K App
I really enjoy running outside, when it's not 5°F, but when I first started running I had no idea how far I was actually running. The 5K app makes running easy because it tracks your distance, and helps build your running tolerance by having you walk for a few minutes in between runs. The app doesn't need to be open in order to work, so you can listen to music, and it will make announcements of your progress from time to time.
Don't beat yourself up if you think you had one too many slices of pizza, instead try a new workout and sweat the worries away.
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